
October 7, 2008

I Heart New York

Here we are (Madi and I) again at Starbucks killing time. Every now and then, whenever I am parked on a cleaning side of the street we have to do this. We would hang out at Starbucks or Toys R Us for two hours. Sometimes it’s ok but most of the time it is very inconvenient because we have to drop everything we are doing at home just to move the car. It’s what you get for living in New York- parking is always a problem.
Jon is currently assigned to a project in Citibank and luckily, the office is just near our place that he’s been able to bike to work. First, he couldn’t use his original bike because he’s afraid for it to be stolen so he bought a cheap one. Well guess what? Last Thursday the bike seat was still stolen! So then he had to buy a new seat plus a lock which you will still never know if someone can break it.
I want to live where there is enough space for parking (and everything else), where you’ll feel safe and secure, where people are friendly and nice, where there’s plenty of green, fresh air, and beautiful parks to enjoy.
Don’t get me wrong because I love New York. I lived here as a kid once and moved back here to work nine years ago. But now that I am married and with a baby, it seems like this is not the place I want to live anymore. For one thing, apartments are so tight that I can’t even buy my baby a walker. With the three of us, we are so running out of closet space. I’m tired of getting paranoid whenever I forget to put the club or alarm on the car. I’m tired of the nasty strangers I encounter in public. I’m sick of the dirty, crowded, and stinky subways. I’m just tired and I want to relax and New York is just not relaxing.
But again…I love New York. It has been good to me and it has made me a tough survivor. I still love broadways so when my baby’s big enough to watch, we’d visit the city once in awhile. The first thing I want her to see is the Christmas Spectacular though.

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