
December 7, 2010

Things Could Have Been Worse...

I have been hurting, sad, confused, and mad lately. Believe me, if I could write something happy or inspiring, I would.
I'm trying... I am working on it... trying to focus and think on the bright side. Things happen for a reason (too cliche') and I know this one would turn into something good after all. And after thinking about other people's situation, mine could have been worse but it isn't. This is not something that cannot be solved. Most of all, I still have the urge to be a better human being, days are coming and I have the chance to make things better one day at a time.

December 1, 2010

A New Space A New Life

It's always hard for me to get inspiration. It always has to be the perfect spot, perfect time, perfect mood and so on and so forth. It's something I have been trying to work on for years. I want to be able to just write any time at any place, you know. Because if I wait for everything to be perfect, then there's not going to be much writing done. Oh well... but I am moving my desk again. I am in the process so right now my stuff are all over. I wonder how many days this will take me. Hey! Look! I am writing though...;) I'm so weird... and crazy too:)

Nevertheless, I am creating a new space and so I hope this will be a start again of something good. I feel so sad and I am doing something to lift my spirit up. Would you wish well for me?